Press Release: Registration of Political Parties and Candidate Lists Standing for the Councils Election in 3rd Mandate

Every political party properly registered conforming to the Law on Political Parties at the Ministry of Interior is entitled to register its political party and candidate lists standing for the Councils Election in 3rd Mandate 2019. This is the remarks by H.E. Mr. Mean Satik, NEC member and chair of the meeting, in the stakeholders meeting on registration of political parties and candidate lists standing for the election, filling and resolving complaints regarding registration of political parties and candidate lists standing for the election at NEC conference hall on the morning of 05 March 2019.

Stakeholders participated in the meeting included representatives of the Constitutional Council, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Information, 9 political parties, representatives of Embassy of Japan, 17 Non-governmental organizations, 6 press institutions and NEC officials, totaling 80 persons.

H.E. Mr. Mean Satik added that every political party having intention to contest in the Councils Election shall start applying an application form for registration of political party standing for the election at Provincial/Capital Election Commission (PEC) at least 80 days prior to the Election Day, meaning that registration of political parties and candidate lists standing for the election lasts 5 days only from 07 to 11 March 2019.

Responding to a question of a journalist on how many political parties would contest in the Councils Election, H.E. Mr. Keo Phalla, NEC advisor and Director of Legal Service and Dispute Department, explained that NEC cannot conclude how many political parties would apply for contesting in the election; yet, 4 political parties frequently contacted with technical officials to ask for information. The 4 political parties are as follows:

  • Cambodian People’s Party
  • Khmer National United Party
  • Cambodian Youth Party

It is worth informing that date of drawing lots to determine the order of political parties on ballot papers cannot be set by NEC unless the procedure of registration of political parties and candidate lists standing for the election, filling and resolving complaints regarding the registration of political parties and candidate lists standing for the election is officially completed at each PEC.  

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